The Crossover Approach to IT Band Syndrome

ITB Pain

Here we’ll outline an IT band syndrome treatment plan to help get you moving pain-free again. IT band syndrome plagues the outside portion of the knee and is one of the most common forms of knee pain. The problem usually arises as an overuse injury, especially after ramping up the number of knee bends in […]

A Quick Guide to Knee Sprain Rehab

Knee Sprain

A quick turn followed by a pop of the knee may be the pinnacle of oh s*** moments. It’s a common occurrence in sporting events but also happens in everyday life. It’s not always a grave situation—knees make creaky noises all the time and are quite robust— but the dreaded knee sprain does happen to […]

Guide to Meniscus Tear Recovery


This article will be your guide to meniscus tear recovery and hopefully provide some clarity on this common knee issue.  We’ll start with an easy understanding of the meniscus and what it does. Then we’ll help you identify potential issues and what research says about the most current treatment options. The first note is that […]

The Quick Guide to Understanding How Your Knee Works

Knee Pain

The knee isn’t super complex. It bends, it straightens and allows for a bit of rotation. Yet even simple things sometimes need a user manual. That’s because a pair of healthy knees is essential to active living. Try getting off the floor or landing with straight peg legs to understand why. Without the knees walking […]